Many of the topics relevant to sixth graders arise in our discussions of the literature we study. While we teach about literary technique, history, grammar, and African cultures, we also examine decisions made by characters in literature and history regarding their attitudes towards and treatment of others.
Dispelling stereotypes and assumptions about Africa is our base in beginning our Central Subject. Through group activities and discussions, the goal is to identify practical applications of these lessons for students to use in the classroom, on the paths and playgrounds, and in their lives outside of school.
How do I know who I am? What do I need to be my best self?
Who or what determines the value or worth of a person, service, or object?
What factors influence the way(s) we view the world? How might we understand an unfamiliar world view?
What are resources? How do they shape cultures and how are they shaped by culture?
What is power? Who holds it? Why?
History and Geography: Throughout the curriculum, we focus on the diversity of the continent, emphasizing reflecting upon and challenging stereotypes about Africa. During the year we also integrate folktales and the oral tradition, the arts, and aspects of daily life of various African cultures.
The year is broken into several large units of study, with geography as a point of emphasis in the early part of the year. As the year progresses, classes study civilizations of Ancient and Medieval Africa, followed by an examination of colonialism and more recent regional history, issues, and cultures. Students do several research projects both individually and in groups.
Central Subject References: A Visual Geography of Africa, C.T. Quinn-Young; Africa, Dowdon; Africa, McDougal, Littell; A Guide to African History, Davidson; African Myths & Legends, K. Alnott; Great Rulers of the African Past, Dobler & Brown; African Studies, Univ. of Illinois Press; Royal Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, Songhay, McKissack; Ancient African Kingdoms, Shinnie; The Kingdoms of Africa, Koslow; African Kingdoms of the Past, Mann; Glorious Age of Africa, Chu & Skinner; 52 Days By Camel, Raskin, Pearson; Africa, a special presentation of Nature and National Geographic (documentary series and companion text); and several series for research: Heritage Library of African Peoples; Cultures of the World, Cavendish; Through African Eyes, edited by Leon Clark; Exploration into Africa, Ibazebo.