Parents Council (PC) is a school-sponsored organization that focuses on strengthening our community by providing opportunities for all parents to be involved in the life of the School through events and volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Parent Council philosophy emphasizes the Shady Hill culture of community building as a hallmark that benefits all families.
Parents Council is comprised of: -Three officers: one Vice Chair and two Co-Chairs (three-year terms) -Class Parents: one or more for each gradehead section (one-year term)
All officers meet regularly with the Head of School and the Vice Chair is a member of the Board of Trustees
Parents Council organizes events, from morning coffees before assemblies to social and educational evening events on topics such as parenting, diversity and multicultural inclusion, media and technology, and socio economic issues. During these evening events, we provide childcare (MAP—Movie And Pizza nights!) in order to make the events accessible to all families
Class Parents welcome new families, help promote a feeling of community, and support their classroom teachers
Parents Council is a good resource for new or current parents who are interested in getting involved in the life of the school community. Given the range of our parents' work and family commitments, there are a variety of volunteer opportunities available.
Working at the Shady Hill Fair (e.g., the book sale, clothesline, fun house, international foods table, ticket sales, obstacle course, and others.
Volunteering for DASH (Diversity at Shady Hill) events (e.g., the Lunar New Year Dumpling Party, the I-Fair, and DASHing to the Theater, etc.)
Serving as a Shady Hill Fund class representative
Managing or volunteering for PC events including Pizza Lunch, Faculty Appreciation Breakfast, Lost & Found, etc.
Shelving books in the library
Volunteering during Grandparents - Special Friends Day
Vice Chair: Sasha Eskelund Co-Chair: Caleb Williams '84 and Cheryl Etu-Williams Co-Chair: Perry Lubin '96
In addition, parents of all currently enrolled students are members of the Shady Hill Corporation, which has an annual meeting each May and is responsible for electing members of the Board of Trustees.